Welcome Message

By conference organizer Roy J. Adams, Ariel F. Sallows Chair of Human Rights (2009-2010)

This blog is a follow-up to the Freedom of Association conference that was held at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Law, February 25-27, 2010.

At the
main site the conference agenda, as well as notes and papers presented in advance of the conference by speakers, were posted and are still available. In addition various background papers as well as legal factums relevant to the conference were posted at the website. The purpose of this blog is to keep interested readers posted on developments regarding the freedom of association rights of Canadian workers. A transcript was made of all of the speakers’ remarks at the conference and the speakers were asked to review them and revise them as they saw fit. All of the amended remarks have now been posted. The next step is to assemble them along with summaries of the discussions that they stimulated along with additional explanatory commentary and make the entire package available as a single downloadable document. However, rather then publish the conference proceedings in print form at this point, that will be put off until after the Supreme Court has handed down its decisions in the case of Fraser v. Ontario. Several speakers made reference to that case and there was much speculation at the conference on the likely impact of that case. Most observers are agreed that it will significantly impact our understanding of the constitutional rights of Canadian workers. Thus, all speakers will be afforded the opportunity to revise their comments subsequent to Fraser and, at that point, a print publisher will be sought. In addition to revised comments from the conference, I will also be posting comments as developments occur and will be soliciting guest blogs by other informed experts. Beyond that additional relevant information may be posted from time to time.
Roy J. Adams

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